Do you want a proven first step to get ahead of your competitors? Then stride out and lead your brand with an image which radiates your confidence and approachability . . . a killer Headshot.
Imagine a consumer entering your business-type into the LinkedIn search bar. Right there is your profile fighting for recognition amongst the long list of your competitors.
The amygdale region of the consumer’s brain is rapidly filtering all the information in those tiny portraits. It determines who is deemed trustworthy and who is not. It is not personal . . . it is instinctive. And we all do it.
The decision is made in nanoseconds and, before the consumer can consciously justify their choices, they have inevitably scrolled on.
As a result, biology makes this small, seemingly ineffectual picture, rather powerful.
The first step to a killer Headshot is to ask the hard questions about your image.
As luck would have it, we have 6 questions to help you. All you need to do is simply answer Yes or No to each one. You can either answer these yourself or better still ask an impartial business owner to do the dirty deed.
A Headshot is a close crop which captures th e head or head and shoulders; anything else is a Portrait picture. A professionally taken image will stand out from the sea of cropped snapshots, the out-of-focus selfies and blank profiles.
Imagine meeting a client to clinch that perfect deal which will make your heart and business soar. In other words, this is you as the figurehead of your business, with your best foot forward.
The subconscious seeks out these traits whether meeting face to face or through an image. Eye contact is deep-rooted in our DNA. It is the most powerful way to feel relevant and validated.
A subject who is looking up or down at the camera can reflect being submissive or overbearing. It is considered polite etiquette to stand up when we greet someone. Similarly, it is impolite to stand over someone when we speak with them.
This is not a dating or personal profile – it is a business profile. No need for dramatic lighting, fashion poses and overly processed pictures. Moreover, avoid cropped snapshots or images of your family, friends or pets (no matter how adorable they are).
ie same age, hair colour, hairstyle, glasses etc. Imagine nurturing an on-line relationship only to not recognise them in person. At best it is the opening conversation – at worst it questions trust.
All done! If you answered any questions with ‘No’ there is one more question to ask: Is it time to consider a new headshot?
Honestly, this is the number 1 response we receive to “We’re Portrait Photographers”.
A headshot photoshoot may feel close and quite intrusive. However, it is your photographer’s job to take his or her time and put you at ease. A good pose will make you appear more poised, confident and approachable
We feel you have worked too hard on your business not to make a first good impression.
If you want to talk to us about Headshots just please contact us or call 07790 753852
To read about how we created two different Headshot styles, for one client with two businesses, click here.
This is our latest column to appear in the recent edition of Yorkshire Business Woman Magazine. This bi-monthly publication covers fashion, beauty, entrepreneurship, business success stories, health, art food and drink and lifestyle and much more. Available on line with 10,000 printed copies distributed across the Yorkshire region.